About us

This is not intended as a ‘lifestyle blog‘ and we don’t pretend to be ‘social influencers‘ or have any wise advice (or product reviews) on how best to do a campervan trip or tips on moving abroad with a sprog.

This writing is an internal monologue, written by either one of us at different times. It’s a good way to keep our intentions in the forefront of our minds. Also to share the reasons why we are doing this with close friends and family, who’ll often ask us “do you have a job lined up in the Uk?” or “where will you be living?”. It seems to be an alien concept that having everything predetermined defeats the objective of the whole experience.

We are three free spirits on a journey of self discovery. We weren’t 100% content with life (and who is?!), but these next two years give us a unique opportunity to explore different facets of who we are and be more creative with our talents.

Financially, we’d like to break-even on the trip, which does mean earning some money, but hopefully not slogging our guts out in a job we hate – as then, what’s the point of leaving our pretty decent lives in Brisbane?

We love the idea of travelling the whole time and working freelance but if that’s not possible then of course we’ll settle somewhere, and Bristol looks like the best option at the time of writing, but honestly who knows? We may end up in Madrid, Zurich or Hanoi!

We’ve really no thoughts or feelings invested in where we will end up during this trip. Only that we are content and happy in what we are doing in that moment, and developing as three individuals.

The catalyst for the trip was a house extension but The Groundhog Effect post delves more into the impetus for letting go of everything we know in our daily lives to have this experience.

Joelle, Lee and Tomos

Also follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thethreefreespirits/