London 2020?

2020 will be remembered as the year of the plague, floods, fires and locusts – it’s almost biblical. As coronavirus threatens to take on pandemic status we are now on the brink of a national toilet roll shortage. I can’t help but make a wise remark to Lee that our random bidet in the bathroom might come in handy! He doesn’t see the funny side.

I actually lost my sense of humour the beginning of this year when I was beset with leg injuries and had to stop running for the first 5 weeks of my London marathon training – far out, I even gave up alcohol for you!

After spending a small salary on physio, sports massage, sports therapy, PT, acupuncture (Lee drew the line at an osteopath) I finally ran 16km without stopping last week and am set to run a half marathon next weekend.

So now I’m in a weird limbo-land…on the brink of the London marathon being cancelled as major public events around the globe are being called off. Cancelled because of a virus that I once only associated with a BWS deal on beer – and we stuck a lime in it.

After weeks of trying to reframe my negative thinking surrounding my shin splints and runner’s knees, I finally found inner peace and focus; only to be potentially knocked sideways with an external directive outside of my control. Yet I am reminded to think about the bigger picture.

The charity I’m raising money for VICTA helps young blind people to feel empowered through social activities in the great outdoors – this results in less isolation, loneliness and depression. This kind of puts my running woes into perspective.

So, I may not be able to run London 2020 and fulfil a lifelong dream, it’s really not the end of the world. But the funding which enables young people without sight the opportunity to feel connected and part of a community is life-changing and worth so much more.

If you can, please help VICTA achieve their mission at:

I’ve pledged to run the 42km on 26 April whatever happens and wherever we are in the UK, if not London! I’m now starting to understand the phrase “it’s not about the end destination but the journey along the way”. I can assure you though, after 4 months teetotal, at the end of my marathon it will very much be about one particular destination…bottoms up!

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